
Friday 10 July 2020

Zaeeda-WLJ- #Day 4 (Good As)

Day 4: Good As
Today is another day of me doing activities from the winter learning journey. Today's activities are activities I don't think I've done before. But they were just as challenging as any other. Let's Start!

Activity 1
This activity was a little bit more challenging then the others but it was nothing to hard. I did enjoy this task and like the level of challenging it was. I liked how we got to research a sports star and come up with similes for it!

Here are my similies.
1. As fast as a cheetah
2. Stronger than an ox
3. As stubborn as a mule
4. As cool as ice!

That concludes today's activities they were a lot of fun. Today is definitely my favourite of the days. Serena Williams is my favourite sports stars because she also had a lot to say about women's rights.

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