
Thursday 29 October 2020

Loss of Biodiversity

This week we learnt about the biodiversity and what a loss of biodiversity is. It was quite interesting but even so, we were only briefly able to touch on this topic as 3 of our literacy sessions have been tests in the past 2 weeks. Here is my poster explaining what a loss of biodiversity is and the main causes of it. I found this text interesting however, it was something that I've already heard a lot about so my attitude towards it may be a bit underwhelmed.


Loss of Biodiversity

This week in literacy we looked at a loss of biodiversity. This is something our earth has been faced with and our biodiversity has be decreasing at a concerning pace. A lot of this is caused by natural disasters but as humans we haven't been doing our bit to help. It's quite clear that many of us are unable to identify this problem as well.

Tuesday 27 October 2020

Georges Seurat

Today we learnt about the French Artist Georges Seurat. He lived a 'comfortable life' in France in 1859-1891. We learnt about the technique he used to create the many wonderful pieces of art. I found it most interesting that he never mixed paints but instead chose to let out eyes mix the paints, when he painted his paintings with small dots and dashes super close together.

Thursday 22 October 2020

Plastic Pollution ~Explanation Writing~

Did you know that over 8 million metric tons of plastic is dumped in the ocean yearly? This is very harmful to our marine life; as they consume it unable to recognise that it is plastic. As you can imagine it doesn’t end well and sometimes it even ends up in us!

One way you could save the environment is by refusing products that contain microbeads. Microbeads are tiny bits of plastic that are detrimental to sea life. By refusing to buy the products manufacturers will be pressured into making their products plastic free.

And if you’re not ready to take that big of a step you could always start by reducing. Reducing the use of plastics. Biodegradable bags are a great alternative instead Single use plastic bags. These environmentally friendly bags are basically everywhere now, so it shouldn’t be too hard for you guys to get one!

Another way to help with the plastic pollution problem is by repurposing. There is so much in your home that you could be repurposing. Repurposing the plastic would mean changing it to do another job. For example, an empty milk carton can be  turned into a flower pot. The plastic containers use it to store things, there are endless possibilities.

Plastic is all of our problems as we are all responsible for the care of our environment and we should definitely work together to solve it. Remember to  Refuse, Reduce and Repurpose. Next time you go to use plastic think about the marine animals you could save without it.

Tuesday 20 October 2020

He aha te Taima? ~Te Reo Maori~

Today the year 8s had their tech rotations while the year 7's went to tech. We had our second Maori lesson for the term and it was a lot of fun. We learnt how to tell the time, I really enjoyed it and will probably continue to use this in day to day life. ;D

Monday 19 October 2020

Niuean Language Week

Fakalofa lahi atu This week is Niuean Language Week. The theme for this year is Lay the foundations - give rise to Vagahau Niue for generations. We had to share 10 interesting facts about Niue. I found the one about political parties most interesting.


Algebra + Probability

This week we learnt about Probability and Algebra. We had to find the rule in a number pattern we also revised a couple of things like finding the average and 24 hours time. This week we are going to have our maths test so its important we practice things like this :))

Friday 16 October 2020

Term 4 Art Alive

 This week is the first week of Term 4. And like always were had an immersion assembly and thankfully the fact that we were in level 1 meant that the whole school could come together again. Our theme for this term is Art Alive.

In Team 5 this term we will be learning about different artists and different types of art. I really enjoyed the play the team 5 teachers put on it was very interesting and had many different aspects of art. I especially enjoyed that Mr Hughes actually spoke in spanish and english for his art introduction and I was able to understand both languages. :))

This term I am really excited to learn about art and hopefully improve. I'm hope that we get to try many different kinds of art styles. I've wanted to do art in school for a while because both the process and finished project always look very interesting and tell some kind of story.

Wednesday 14 October 2020

Agile Algebra 2

Today we had Maths. We looked at algebra and finding a rule in patterns. It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it a lot. But I now know that this is something I have to practice more, as I did struggle in the beginning.

Agile Algebra 1

Today we moved into doing angles. We also looked at line graphs. It was pretty easy but I did get confused on the last question because my brain was over complicating things.

Tuesday 13 October 2020

Sebastião Salgado

Today we learnt about another artist. This one actually did photography. His name is Sebastião Salgado. Learnt about him and what he did as a photographer we also got a chance to go out and take a picture of something we thought needed more attention. I enjoyed this as I too am deeply interested in photography and have been for a while. :)

Ngā Tau ~Te Reo Maori~

Today we had our first Te Reo Maori lesson for the term. It was a lot of fun and we had learnt how to count in Maori. This was one of the things I had already learnt when I was in year 3 but it was fun to recap and it helped finish the task quickly. I did enjoy this and can't wait to do more :))

Monday 12 October 2020

Effects of Plastic Pollution

Here is my create task for my reading task. We learnt about plastic pollution and in the end we had to create a poster to share the effects of plastic pollution. I added in a bit of extra stuff like how we can stop it because, I think it's important we learn about what plastic pollution is and how we can begin to reduce it :))


Plastic Pollution

This is our first week back at school in term 4 and in level 1. We are doing very well and have gotten right back into learning. This is my reading task for the week we had to break the text into word groups record ourselves reading it and then we had to find the meaning of different words. Lastly we had our create task which was too create a poster or do a recording of yourself and you had to explain the effects of plastic pollution.

Vincent Van Gogh

This term our theme is Art Alive. We have a term full art based work in which we will be having many fun activities which will incorporate art. This is Vincent Van Gogh who is a famous artist, we had to create profile to portray what we've learnt so far about Vincent Van Gogh. There is so much to this mysterious artist like how did he think and if there was a bigger reason behind his terrible mental health. And what exactly happened during the incident in which he accidently cut off his ear?