
Saturday 25 January 2020

Zaeeda-SLJ-# Week 3 Day 5 (Creativity+)

Week 3: Experiments and Gadgets
Day 5: Creativity+
Welcome back to the last day of week 3 only a few more days left in this holidays to let's try and do as many activities as possible, but still make sure to have fun. Enjoy!

Activity 1: Ministry of Inspiration

For the first task we had to watch a video about the Pasifika Aqua-bots competition that was in Nelson. Students had to navigate their Aqua-bot around a swimming pool to collect things. We then had to share on our blog whether or not we would join a underwater robotics team at our school.

The Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education, are people you may have heard of. They are people who give advice to the government, but the Ministry of Inspiration is something you may not have heard of. But basically the Ministry of Inspiration is an organization that is in Nelson New Zealand. They work towards getting kids to think creatively, about Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths, aka (S.T.E.A.M).

The ministry of inspirations is responsible for hosting many fun and creativity activities. Aqua-bots being one of them. Aqua-bots are underwater robots, that compete against each other in an Aqua-bot competition in Nelson.

Image result for aqua botsI would definitely like to join a school underwater robotics club. It sounds cool and I was actually in a robotics club at school before we brainstormed and started making plans to help save the enviroment from pollution. 

I think that aqua-bots are really cool and could be used in future. I also think that the competition would've been really fun and I'm sure that from what I saw in the video, they were challenged and had to work together, and I loved everything about it!

Activity 2: Caine's Arcade

For this task we had to share on our blog our favorite game. It could be a board game, video game or a game we played by ourselves or our friends.

Caine Monoroy is a 17 year old boy from Los Angeles (L.A) California. He spent his summer holidays working with his dad when he was younger, his dad worked at a Auto-part store downtown in L.A. While Caine's dad was busy Caine decided to build himself something that he always wanted. He made it out of card board boxes and other things he found lying around. 

One day a man came in looking for a handle for his car and he met Caine. After seeing Caine's arcade the man was so impressed he decided to make a movie about Caine. He also invited all the people in L.A to come and play games in Caine's Arcade.

Activity 3: Choose your own
For this task we had to choose a our very own Scientist, Inventor or Technologist. We then had to share on our blog facts about them their occupation and how they have changed peoples lives. 

Name: Sir Issac Newton
Born: Jan 4th 1643- 31st March 1727

-Newtons Laws of Motion
- Newtons law of Universal Gravitation

Issac Newton is a famous scientist known widely throughout the field. His discoveries have helped many scientist make new discoveries throughout the past few centuries. He has also inspired many to learn.

Image result for sir isaac newton- Issac Newton is actually an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, theologian, and author.

- He is also famous as he was the one who developed the three laws of motion. Which is the basic rules of modern physics.

-His calculus discoveries led to many more methods of solving complicated mathematical problems.

- He died in London during his sleep but Issac Newtons hair was examined and said to have contained Mercury, probably from his alchemist work. Mercury poisoning could be the explanation too his weirdness, in his late life.

That concludes today and this week. I had heaps of fun especially the last task as I love science and experiments. Last year we learnt heaps about how cells work and what are in cells. Science is also an amazing topic and something I loved learning about, but I can't wait to do the 3 weeks that are yet too come.

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