Once long ago, no not long ago it was actually last week. There was a relatively peaceful beach. A place for people or should I say animals like me. Hello my name is Florence, and today I will be telling you about the time I was a Flamingo.
I spent half my life in a remote lagoon, located in the depth of the amazon rainforest. I had many relatives there, my mom, dad and little sister. We lived in a small lagoon that wasn’t visited often by humans, only once or twice a year. Sometimes we’d have other animals voyage through but they weren’t any trouble either. Indubitably, I had an amazing life, but not long after that changed.
Humans emerged into the forest, with substantial sized gadgets. They pillaged and plundered all about. They cut down trees and drained out the water. The circumstances were insufferable, we soon had to make an arduous decision. This only continued, and as time went on it got worse. More trees were cut down, more family killed and more humans came.
The time came when we carried out our plan. Evening rolled around and we tacitly fled the lagoon, in search for a new home. As we fled the humans, were awoken and our plan was wholly destroyed. There was no purpose of them, to take notice yet they still panicked and came out with sharp weapons of mass destruction.
I guess it was not my lucky day because I was one of the people captured by a mere human being. Parkour was never my choice of sport anyway, some say “it’s a piece of cake”. The small excuse of a human carried me too other normal sized humans, and from there I was put in a cage. From that moment on I knew that I was never going to be free again. This was my life now, I have to get used to it.
A few weeks had passed and the humans had brought me to a diminutive sanctuary. There I met a well vitalized sloth called Joe, and Veronica a monkey with minor allergies to almost everything, but mainly bananas. Those two became my closest mates they were family, and still are to this day. Many years past and Joe and Veronica told me their stories and consulted me about mine. We learned each others strengths and weaknesses and time went by faster than we’d thought.
It had been 5 years, and I was moved from that sanctuary to another place. A place the humans I believe called a lab-ora-tory. Anyways there they would conduct all types of crazy stuff, and yes I’m called the animal here. Getting back to the point, there was a young scientist her name was Rachel. She’d take care of me and often take me out of the cage and let me sit in a room for a few hours.
One day, I overheard Rachel talking to her fellow colleague about some bird. She said that they had mistaken tests and observations and that the bird was not a sick form of flamingo but instead an entirely different species. I was taken aback by this news, I didn’t know there was more than 1 flamingo in this place. I resumed my listening and found out the name of this, certain Flamingo was Florence. Wait a minute I had thought, MY NAME IS FLORENCE, SHE’S TALKING ABOUT ME!
My mind went blank, I was having a malfunctions and a panic attack put together. I returned to my cage, with a troubled expression. What more could I do, I was helpless. Anxiously I began to form a plan whilst I was doing this I drifted too slumber.
The next day, Rachel relocated my cage to another place. This was my home for the next few day, there I was watched by a man called Chandler. He wasn’t the nicest person, but deep inside, he was just as caring. Rahcel came and checked up on me three to four times a day, and it did get quite lonely not having anyone to talk to. I’m surprised, I didn’t go insane!
I finally took flight, and I as I flew I followed an angelic female pelkin to a nearby beach. There I introduced myself and we became close acquaintances, her name was Phoebe. I met her family, and I lived there happily. I mean, I have come on after all I’ve been through. I deserved to be happy. I ended up proposing to Phoebe, and together WE LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER!
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