It's week 2 of The Summer Learning Journey and I am super excited to do more holiday blogging, Enjoy!
Activity 1: Surfs Up!
My Favourite summer activity is going outside and playing my ukelele. I got it last year and I have learnt how to look after and I have learn't how to play Happy birthday, twinkle little star, ABC and You are my sunshine. I enjoy this activity because it make me feel happy and full of energy.
I got my ukele last year as a gidt and I have enjoyed playing I am currently think about some new songs to learn. I am also teaching my little sister Zaria how to play.
Let me know if you know of any songs.
Activty 2: The Great Taupo Cycle Challenge
I would take my little sister because she is super supportive and fun to play with so training with her would also be fun
Last of all I would take my dad because he is a mechanic so he could help make sure my bike it ready and every thing he could also think of technics and things like that.
So thats the three people I would have on my support Crew.
Activity 3: Something smells fishy
False the oldest know fish is an Austrailian lungfish and his name is grandad but he did not live for 65 years he lived till his mid-90's he was put down due failing health. Image Attribution
True Sharks are the only fish with Eyelids but neither sharks nor fish blink. Sharks eyelids are called nictitating membranes and sharks use them when they strike there prey they use it as eye protection.
Fish Fact #3: Starfish are a type of fish.
False starfish are not fish they don't have gills or scales. There are 2000 speice of starfish are in the ocean they are both sea creatures that the resemblence between 2. They also have the ability to regenerate another arm if its broken. Image Attribution
True fish communicate by making sounds they sing clatter and moan. However fish don't have ears out side of there head there ears are located on the inside of there brain cavities.
True fish swim in classes there are 3 major schools such as jawless, cartilaginous, and bony fish. fish are cold blooded and these animals can be very mysterious there is still parts of the ocean human haven't explored.
That's all for today hope you enjoyed!
Kia ora Zaeeda,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Susie and I am a member of the Summer Learning Journey (SLJ) team this year. WOW, you've really powered through the program and all of your posts look fabulous. It is pretty obvious that you've put in lots of time and effort - ka pai!
It is awesome that playing ukulele is one of your hobbies. I am not very good at playing string instruments because my younger brother (who knows how to play guitar) tried to teach me but I never got my head around it! Maybe I will need to practise more and start learning the easier songs first. I know how to play piano and flute and I remember participating in music ceremonies and events throughout high school. Do you have any other instruments you would like to learn how to play?
It seems like all of your family members are well qualified to be on your Lake Taupo Cycle Race Support Crew. It is great to have family members support you on this journey because they know you the best! I think your family would make a great team. Do you have any outdoor activities that you like to enjoy with your family? My family loves to go on spontaneous adventures such as day hikes to mountain summits.
You have done a great job making your post look super colourful and eye-catching. Did you have fun researching many interesting facts about fish? Sometimes when we use Google as a research tool, it is most likely that many websites would tell you different bits of information. Did you have a look at the website that was hyperlinked to our SLJ activity? The facts have been drawn off this website so you can have a look to double-check if your answers are correct! I will put down the link to the website below:
*For the very last fish fact, a group of fish are actually called 'school' not 'classes'. Interesting huh? Fish can form schools containing millions of fish!
Keep up the great work and I'm super excited to read more of your blog posts Zaeeda. Hope your New Year is off to a good start!
All the best,
Hi Susie
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment I am glad you enjoyed this post. I will definetly the summer learning journey again. I tried to put the words into my own words but I will change classes to schools
Thanks for the help and sorry for the late reply!
From Zaeeda